Page 77 - NO.142銀行家雜誌
P. 77


              資料(Metadata)等。這類問題經常無法靠管                         風險也完全可以在線上管理。以情報為核心
              理策略來解決,但企業收購的目標所使用的                              的企業,可以根據客戶的特質與客戶建立更
              資料系統一旦無法相容於企業原本的系統,                              緊密的關係,也能分析營運資料來提高公司
              資料架構就還是很重要。金融控股公司旗下                              效率,或能夠用遠距科技來改良產品,並藉
              通常都會有銀行、證券公司、保險公司,而                              由員工的回饋,讓工作更有效。
              這類公司的資料系統通常都不完善。                                      這些貴賓的演講告訴我們,數位轉型跟

                  雲端轉型必須根據企業的財務目標和業                            升級IT系統或升級圖片畫質有很大的差異。升
              務目標,一步一步慢慢達成。銀行可以先嘗                              級設備所能達成的效果很容易預期,但成功
              試某些部分,然後再建立整套成熟的資料傳                              的數位轉型卻需要重新制定戰略,為自己設
              輸途徑與傳輸流程。等到轉型終於完成,開                              定全新的競爭格局。(本文作者為台灣金融研
              展新業務的創新速度就會大幅增加,企業的                              訓院特聘外籍研究員;譯者為劉維人)

              beyond the purview of management strategy, but   managed online. Intelligence-driven organizations

              architecture can become important when it comes   build deeper relationships with the customers through
              to incompatible systems from acquisition targets.   customer signals, improve their efficiency through
              Financial holding companies typically contain banks,   operational data, improve their products through
              securities companies, and insurers, whose systems   telemetry, and improve the effectiveness of their
              frequently aren’t streamlined.                   employees through feedback.
                  Cloud transformation is an incremental           The presentations in the conference reinforced
              process, driven by financial and business objectives.   the reality that digital transformation is not a
              Banks may choose to start with certain units and   one-dimensional process, akin to updating an IT
              processes before building more developed pipelines   system or upgrading graphics. To the contrary, it

              and processes. At the final, mature stage, the time   means acknowledging and developing strategic
              to create innovative new business processes is   responses to an entirely new competitive
              significantly decreased, and risk control can be fully   landscape.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2021.10月號 77

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