Page 208 - 你知道的名言 不知道的金融故事
P. 208

你知道的名言 不知道的金融故事

              William Parrish: When I introduce you, and I tell them

              who you are, I don’t think anyone will stay for dinner.

              William Parrish: You want me to be your guide?

              Joe Black: You fit the bill, Bill.
              Allison: I should have my head examined again.

              Drew: We all know this deal is as certain as death and


              Joe Black: Death and taxes?
              Drew: Yes.

              Joe Black: Death and taxes?

              Drew: Yes.

              Joe Black: What an odd pairing.


            不會放過。所謂「遺產稅 (Death Tax)」,是比較好聽的翻譯,

            轉讓的資產徵收的稅賦。 它的歷史可以追溯到近 3,000 年前的

            移的財產徵收 10% 的稅,開啟了徵收遺產稅的先河。此法老王

            真是有遠見,因為到了 16 世紀末,歐洲許多國家,如荷蘭、德

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