Page 59 - NO.113銀行家雜誌
P. 59

charge of planning, monitoring, and implementing   reputation. I firmly believe that establishing a sound
              the maintenance of information security. Facing the   and safe system with robust controls is an essential
              increasing cyber security threats, all banks must keep   investment, which lays the cornerstone with lasting
              pace with technology development.                social trust and long tern profit potentials.

                  The protection of personal information is a new   Before closing, please allow me to reiterate 3
              aspect to be respected. Since the EU General Data   main purposes of our gathering here:
              Protection Regulation (GDPR) entering into force in   First, we hope it will help further strengthening
              May 2018, countries around the world have taken steps   the collective self-discipline amongst Taiwanese banks
              to strengthen their privacy regulations.         thus improving our compliance, internal control and
                  The scope of compliance evolves over time. The   audit systems effectively.
              compliance function has expanded from its original    Secondly, we hope this platform will help
              scope to broadly embrace the standards of integrity   facilitating the exchange of best practice and experiences
              and ethical conduct, including market conventions,   amongst Taiwanese banks and with the U. S. regulatory

              industry practice, and internal codes of conduct.   authorities.
              I would rephase the term "Compliance" from the        And finally, we hope it will further reinforce the
              original concept of "Legal Compliance" into "Total   joint commitment of the Taiwanese government and
              Compliance". Today, banks must build up their    banks to the Total Compliance practice, here in the
              compliance capacity in all aspects, whilst the priority   States.
              may be given to the human resources development,      Thank You All,
              organizational optimization, and corporate culture    I look forward to a successful and enjoyable

              building.                                        conference.
                  Building a corporate culture of compliance
              should never just be a slogan. It must be deep rooted   金管會重申金融機構
              broadly from the top down through the corporate   應塑造重視AML/CFT文化
              governance system. Through ex ante training
              programs, ex post performance evaluation and interim   金管會銀行局莊琇媛副局長在演講中,特
              monitoring, we will motivate all employees not just   別強調北美市場的重要性與指標性,國銀在
              to abide by the codes, but gradually internalize these   北美地區設置的據點僅次於台灣所在的亞洲
              concepts into their soul and mind, like an embedded   地區,現階段國銀面對海外布局的挑戰,主

              DNA.                                             要是全行對於法遵風險的管理與控制需要再
                  Establishing robust total compliance systems may   加強,而總行也應扮演更重要的角色,像是
              cost capital and human resources. However, if we fail   落實監督機制,並給予相應的資源支持。近年
              to do so, any adverse consequence will cost us even   我國在強化整體防制洗錢與打擊資恐(AML/
              more, not merely in monetary term but the priceless   CFT)機制的健全上做了很多努力,2018 年

                                                                                          台灣銀行家2019.5月號 59

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