Page 58 - NO.113銀行家雜誌
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              heart is my wish that our peer Taiwanese bankers      Whilst the whole financial world strives to
              will internalize the concept of internal audit, internal   fight money laundering and financing of terrorism,
              control and compliance into their soul and mind, like   Taiwanese banks have never been absent from
              their DNA, thereby behaving themselves instinctively.   the fight. I am very pleased to see how seriously

              Being the Chairman of the Association, I would like to   our government has taken these matters and how
              speak up for our collective determination to exercise   proactively our banking community has responded
              the sound banking practice everywhere, including New   over the past years. In addition to applying emerging
              York the global money center.                    technologies to better detect, monitor, and deal with the
                  Diversified patterns of money laundering and   money laundering instances, Taiwanese banks continue
              terrorist financing, along with growing internet   to train up their employees, retain professional services
              coverage and rising cross-border financial crime,   of external consultants and auditors with a view to
              are exposing financial institutions to compounded   enhancing AML/BSA/CFT system-wide.
              risks. Under the NYDFS Superintendent's Regulations   The Book of Psalms says: "Those who sow

              Part 504, banks are required to rigorously implement   with tears will reap with songs of joy." Just 3 months
              transaction monitoring and filtering programs,   ago, the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering
              and must strictly conduct gap assessment, draw up   (APG) issued its preliminary opinion following the
              corresponding action plan and remediation, and   3rd Follow-up Mutual Evaluation of Taiwan, which
              then submit their annual compliance certification   gives high marks to Taiwan for the active AML/CFT
              accordingly. Taiwan government has actively aligned   measures taken in both public and private sectors.
              AML/BSA/CFT legal regime with international      The assessors also give positive affirmation regarding

              standards and strengthened the supervision as well.  the direction in which Taiwan's AML regime has
                                                               progressed in recent years, and the effectiveness of its
                                                                    Rapid developments in Fintech have brought
                                                               about information security concerns. Cyber security
                                                               risks and the associated customer interest protection
                                                               have emerged into a matter of concern for financial
                                                               institutions. Thanks to NYDFS for taking the lead
                                                               to issue Part 500, "Cybersecurity Requirements for

                                                               Financial Services Companies" in 2017. Taiwan
                                                               authorities have also called for each single bank
                                                               to escalate its information security. The bank I
                                                               work for has set up a department at the head office
                                                               dedicated to cyber security with a CISO installed in

         58   台灣銀行家2019.5月號

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