Page 57 - NO.113銀行家雜誌
P. 57

Latest Developments of the U.S. Financial
              Regulations for Foreign Banking Operations
              Chairman's Opening Remarks
                  Mr. Joseph Jye-Cherng Lyu, Chairman,

                  Bankers Association of the Republic of China
                  Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
              Good morning!
                  On behalf of Taiwan Bankers Association, it is
              my great honor to welcome you all to the conference
              on the "Latest Developments of the U.S. Financial
              Regulations for Foreign Banking Operations". This
              event sponsored by the Association is arranged by
              the Taiwan Academy of Banking & Finance under    terrorist financing, cyber security, data infringement

              the guidance of Taiwan Financial Supervisory     incidents amongst others. Any failure in these
              Commission(FSC).                                 areas can damage a bank's reputation heavily, thus
                  This is the 3  time that we hold such conference   undermining the whole industry in general. Bankers
              here in New York. Over the past 2 years, we have   today need to be well versed with the host country’s
              received positive response from Taiwanese banks with   legislation, understand its regulatory philosophy, and
              presence in the U. S. , I'd like to thank you, especially for   keep abreast of the supervisory trends.
              even more active participation this year, 125 managers   Taiwan Bankers Association has developed a

              and compliance officers of the U. S.  branches and senior   Collective Self-Discipline Mechanism amongst our
              management including 8 chairpersons and CEOs from the   member banks, to substantiate our joint commitment
              headquarters are here today. I am especially thankful to   to compliance, internal audit and control systems
              Mr. C*, Ms. W*, and Ms. Chuang of FSC for giving your   especially at our overseas operations. The Association
              blessings here in person.                        has held a series of conferences in New York, Hong
                  Taiwanese banks have actively expanded their   Kong, and London since early 2017. These gatherings
              operations globally over the past 20 years. As Taiwan   have improved the competence of compliance, internal
              financial sector engages more globally, we bankers   audit and control personnel, and further bridged up
              ought to ensure sound banking practice and abide   Taiwanese banks and the supervisory authorities of the

              by financial disciplines fully, thus contributing to   host countries.
              the financial stability of the host countries. Today,   These dialogues helped Taiwanese bankers
              the banking sector faces increasing challenges. In   understand the U. S. compliance requirements in a
              addition to the conventional risks, such as credit or   profound way, thus behaving themselves as Good
              market risks, we must deal with the money laundering,   Citizens here in the States. Deep in the bottom of my

                 * Names disquised
                                                                                          台灣銀行家2019.5月號 57

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