Page 97 - the taiwan banker 2024.09(177)
P. 97

ᐼ᜗ϾԊd3ࡈ˙ࣩ࿁Ꮠ3ࡈܿ኷dʕ                            ݄Ըᇠ༆ཀܓᎷႅձ˕ܵ࢕ࢬऊ൬fซࠅ
              ਷͍༊ྡஷཀ۬ᕄʷձ௴อආɓӉ౤৷ʈ                               ਂՑவɓᓃdცࠅܔͭɓࡈ၅л਷࢕Ԩ༶
              ุପঐdΝࣛҷഛʮ΍ৌ݁Ԩᜊ੻һ̋                                ᔷԄλdШ݊வࡈ˙ΣЧ˷ʔίʕ਷ٙ

              Іɢһ͛dԸᇠ༆຾᏶ഐ࿴׌ಯ஺ٙਪ                                ࠇ೥ʕiՉϣdၾୋɓᓃ޴ᗫٙ݊dί਷
              ᕚfʕ਷Ҏૐவ3ධણ݄ঐ੄ҖϓԄ׌ృ                               ʫცӋहழٙઋرɨdʕ਷Ч˷ԨӚϞᗫ
              ᐑd੽ϾࠥЭגήପձή˙ִ̙݁ঐˏ೯                               ءආɓӉ౤৷͛ପ੭ԸٙਪᕚdԷν০࿁

              ٙӻ୕׌ࠬᎈf                                          ʕ਷ආɹٙڭᚐ˴່ැɢ͍ί੡ৎi௰
                  ટɨԸdఱ݊ഃܙִ݁પ̈ҷࠧٙՈ                             ܝdʕ਷ٙӷᐄ௅ژஷ੬ˢ਷ϞΆุһՈ
              ᜗ણ݄ձ୚ືf࿁׵ϤϣɧʕΌึՓ֛ٙ                               ͛ପɢdШࠦᑗ္ٙ၍ࠢՓһ̋ᘌࣸfၾ

              ݁ഄdɛࡁٙୋɓΙ൥̙ঐ݊வԬણ݄ʔ                               2013ϋձ2018ϋٙɧʕΌึ޴ˢdவϣึ
              ԑ˸༆Ӕʕ਷ٙ຾᏶Ѣྤf࠯΋dʕ਷຾                               ᙄίሔՑӷᐄ௅ژٙЪࣛ͜޲ଫəҖ࢙൚
              ᏶ცࠅܨూݺɢdШऊ൬٫ձҳ༟٫ٙ                                ˜Ӕ֛׌™dڌ׼࿁׵ӷᐄ௅ژ္ٙ၍˙
              ઋၫʔ˄̙ঐΪவԬણ݄Ͼ৷ပfԫྼ                                Σ̙ঐʔึ׳ᄱf(本文作者為法國外貿

              ɪdʕ਷ִ݁֠͊܁̺΂ОՈ᜗ٙҷࠧણ                               銀行首席經濟學家)

              self-reliant.  The hope is that these three measures will   domestic demand while protectionist forces are rising
              create a virtuous circle by which systemic risk from   against Chinese imports. Lastly, China’s private
              the real estate, but also local government, is reduced.  sector is generally more productive than state-owned

                  Waiting for the details on the actual reforms   enterprises but has been increasingly hammered by
              that China’s leadership commits to implementing   the Chinese government through tighter regulations
              from this Third Plenum, the first impression is that   and other types of crack-downs. The readout does not

              the above measures will probably not be enough to   seem to give any of a change in direction, if any the
              solve  China’s  economic  woos.  Firstly,  the Chinese   opposite by omitting the adjective “decisive” when
              economy needs to go back to its vibrancy but both   speaking about the role of the private sector compared
              consumers’ and investors’ sentiment are unlikely to   to the 2013 and 2018 gatherings.

              change on the basis of such measures. In fact, no    All in all, the “Third Plenum” which has just
              specific reform has been announced to reduce excess   concluded has clearly not been a game changer in
              savings  and  support  household  consumption.  This   terms of the reforms announced, especially given the

              would require the creation of a well-functioning   challenges ahead both externally and domestically. It
              welfare state which does not seem to be in the Chinese   seems as if the Chinese authorities prefer to muddle
              leadership’s plans. Secondly, and related to the first   through while doubling down on their convictions.

              point, there does not seem to be any preoccupation   The problem is that there by now much more mud
              on China’s increasingly large production without   to deal with.

                                                                                             2024.9     台灣銀行家     97

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