Page 94 - the taiwan banker 2024.09(177)
P. 94




                                                                              撰文:艾西亞Alicia García Herrero

              ˏ     ೯̹ఙ৷ܓᗫءٙʕ਷ɧʕΌึ୞                            ௅ʱҷࠧʊ຾ίආБʕdԨڢ݊Όอٙ

              ̯։ࡰึ5ϋɓܓٙึᙄdஷ੬ਗ਼ึӔ֛                               經濟持續失衡
              ձʮ̺ɓӻΐ༆Ӕڗಂਪᕚٙࠠɽ˙০                                中國面臨三大挑戰

              ᒟ݁ഄᔷᜊձ຾᏶ҷࠧٙࠠࠅึᙄf್                                     வ݊ʕ਷˴ࢩ୦ڐ̻ੂ ݁ ܝ ٙ ୋ ɧ
              Ͼdʦϋٙึᙄ௰୞Ч˷ԨӚϞ༆Ӕҳ                                ϣɧʕΌึfୋɓϣί 2013 ϋ 11 ˜̜
              ༟٫ࡁ࿁׵ʕ਷຾᏶˙Σٙဲਪd7˜19                              කd຅ࣛ୦ڐ̻ɪ΂ʔɮdɧʕΌึ̥

              ˚ٙอၲ೯̺ึɰ༰މ̻૱fኋ၍֜˙                                ֛݊ɨ΂ಂʫٙੂ݁ਿሜfୋɚϣɧʕ
              ద᜗୕ࠇə300ධҷࠧdШኽజኬՉʕɽ                              Όึ׵2018ϋ̜කdึᙄٙࠠᓃɰʔί

              The Third Plenum points to more muddle
              through but with more mud than ever

                   hina’s  long-awaited  Third Plenum is finally   Jinping guidance, expectations were high as it was
              Cover. Four days of high-level meetings (from    understood  that  the  first  one  (in  November  2013)

              July 15 to 18) among Party leaders ended with a   could only set the tone of his mandate as he had just
              perplexingly vague read-out of the meeting.  The   been  appointed.  The second  Third  Plenum  under
              press conference on July 19 has not managed to   Xi Jinping, in 2018, focused on lifting the term

              assuage China watchers’ general impression of an   limits in China’s constitution for his reappointment
              uneventful gathering even if 300 reforms have been   rather on reforms. This Third Plenum was the first
              counted from official media but, reportedly, most of   under an all-mighty Xi, unbounded by term limits,

              which already underway.                          but also the first after the Covid Pandemic, having
                  Being the  Third Plenum after President Xi   brought to light the persistent imbalances of the

           94   台灣銀行家    2024.9

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