Page 95 - the taiwan banker 2024.09(177)
P. 95


 中國三中全會傳達哪些訊息?  ჯኬɛ΂ಂࠢՓd˸л୦ڐ̻ஹ΂fϤ

              ᘠ ڢ ੬ Э f ԫ ྼ ɪ d І ୦ ڐ ̻ ɪ ΂ ˸


              ˸ʿอၲ೯̺ึd੶ሜəʕ਷ࠦᑗ̮ٙ௅                               中國政府對於以供應為中心的增長模式非常滿意,世界其
              ᐑྤɤʱᑙ̶dɰוႩəʕ਷਷ʫࠦᑗٙ                               產品的抱怨,並未引起中國的重視。

              ִৌً݁رʔԳձӻ୕׌ږፄࠬᎈf࿁                                「新型體制」是真的新
              Ϥdʕ਷౤̈ə3ධᏐ࿁ણ݄jୋɓdஷཀ                              還是老生常談?

              ɚdৌ݁݁ഄණʕʷiୋɧdආɓӉءࠠ                                    ࠯΋dɺήՓܓҷ͉ࠧ݊ϣజѓʕٙ
              ௴อձҦஔʺॴf                                         ࠠᓃdͦٙ݊̋Ҟ۬ᕄʷආ೻f۬ᕄʷ

              Chinese economy, especially as far as the very low   through the reform of the rural versus urban land.
              contribution of private consumption to growth. It is   Secondly, the centralization of fiscal policy and,

              also true that from the first plenum under Xi to this   thirdly, further focus on innovation and moving up
              one, the external environment has deteriorated quite   the ladder.
              dramatically given a much more aggressive US         On the first, the reform of the land system
              leadership, whether it is Trump or Biden.        was prominent in this readout with the objective of

                  Against such  backdrop, the readout and press   speeding up urbanization. Accelerating urbanization
              conference following the  Third Plenum insist on   should create additional needs for infrastructure

              how difficult the external environment has become   and continue to move low-productivity workers
              for China but also acknowledge three key domestic   in  the  rural  areas  into  the  cities,  fostering  growth.
              challenges, namely an ailing real estate sector, local   The second, fiscal reform, was mentioned as part
              government poor finances and systemic financial risk.    of a “national strategic planning system” with aims

              Three measures stand out from the vague readout.    at centralizing more fiscal responsibility and cut
              Firstly, the push towards more rapid urbanization,   the local government’s expenditure.   The need to

                                                                                             2024.9     台灣銀行家     95

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