Page 13 - NO.154銀行家雜誌
P. 13

易夥伴的名單。                                          其他國家施壓,請他們拒絕台灣的申請。
                  C P T P P可以幫助台灣緩解無法進入其                       即使無法影響日本與澳洲,依然可以逼迫
              他貿易組織的缺點。中華經濟研究院W T O                            新加坡、馬來西亞、智利、秘魯之類的小

              及R T A中心副執行長李淳,最近在一篇評論                           國,前述4國的最大貿易夥伴都是中國。
              中表示,台灣的F T A覆蓋率為12.08%,遠                              當然,目前還看不出中國的非市場經
              低於附近的重要經濟體:中國為34.02%,                            濟,是否已經準備好接受CPTPP的各種嚴格
              日本50.08%,南韓73.58%,新加坡                            標準。但還是很難想像C P T P P成員國最後選
              95.01%。李淳認為「被區域經濟整合排除                            擇台灣而非中國,也很難想像它們先接納台

              在外的影響非常明顯,台灣的出口在進入                               灣的申請。
              C P T P P11個國家時,有41%以上平均必須                            此外,一旦與美簽訂貿易協定,可能還
              面對7.05%的關稅,這些出口大多並非高科                            會帶出許多正面連鎖效應。華府的門一旦打
              技產品」。                                            開,日本與其他市場性民主國家也會更容易

                  不過,台灣加入C P T P P的難度,會比跟                      接納台灣,這樣台灣就可以慢慢把貿易對象
              美國簽訂雙邊貿易協定高出許多 。 簡 單 來                           轉向這些國家,擺脫中國帶來的經濟風險。
              說,中國手裡的很多籌碼,都足以阻止台灣                              (作者為台灣金融研訓院外籍特聘研究員;譯
              加入。中國也已經申請加入該協 定 , 可 以 向                         者為劉維人)

                  However, compared to signing a bilateral     application while accepting Taipei’s, or admitting
              trade  deal with  the  U.S.,  joining  CPTPP  will  be   Taiwan first.
              tougher for Taiwan. Put simply, China has plenty     With that in mind, Taiwan should patiently

              of leverage it can use to foil Taiwan’s CPTPP bid.   pursue the CPTPP application process, while at the
              Since China has also applied to join the pact, it   same time working assiduously to sign a bilateral
              can pressure other countries to reject Taiwan’s bid.   trade deal with the United States. A U.S.-Taiwan
              Even if Japan and Australia stand firm, Beijing can   BTA is more feasible in the short term.

              easily squeeze small countries highly dependent      Another likely benefit for a U.S.-Taiwan
              on its market such as Singapore, Malaysia, Chile   trade pact would be the positive knock-on effect.
              and Peru. Beijing is the top trading partner of all   Should Washington and Taipei ink a trade deal,
              four.                                            the door would be opened for Taiwan to pursue
                  To be sure, there are many questions about   similar initiatives with Japan and other market

              the readiness of China’s non-market economy to   democracies.  In  this  manner, Taiwan  over  time
              meet the stringent CPTPP requirements. But it is   could wean itself off the China market and reduce
              hard to see CPTPP members voting down Beijing’s   economic security risks.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.10月號 13

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