Page 11 - NO.154銀行家雜誌
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              include trade facilitation, regulatory practices,   Jinping’s heavy-handed rule. China’s close ties
              anti-corruption standards, boosting trade between   with Russia, which remain strong despite Moscow’s

              small and medium-sized enterprises, deepening    brutal invasion of Ukraine, have further  strained
              agriculture trade, lifting discriminatory barriers to   the Sino-American relationship. In the shifting
              trade, digital trade, and labor and environmental   geopolitical landscape, with an emerging
              standards. Further, the initiative will explore   authoritarian axis of China and Russia on one
              “ways to address distortive practices of state-  side and the U.S. and its democratic allies on

              owned  enterprises and  non-market  policies     the other, it is clear Taiwan is an important partner
              and practices,” a reference to China’s predatory   in the camp of democracies.
              mercantilism.                                        Some observers expect that ambivalence
                  Unsurprisingly, China is circumspect about   about free-trade agreements among some

              the initiative. Washington should “carefully handle   American constituencies could derail the U.S.-
              economic and trade relations with  Taiwan and    Taiwan trade deal. Bloomberg argues an eventual
              fully respect China’s core interests,” Shu Jueting,   agreement “may end up being more symbolic than
              spokeswoman for China’s Ministry of Commerce,    substantive.”
              said at an August press briefing.                    Don’t count on it. Both support for Taiwan and
                  Yet Beijing’s feelings on the matter will not   antipathy towards China are at an all-time in the

              be the obstacle they would have been in years    U.S. Congress. Further, the economic benefits for
              past. U.S.-China relations have cratered amid    both Taipei and Washington would be significant if
              Beijing’s swing to techno-totalitarianism under Xi   the agreement significantly lowered tariff barriers

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.10月號 11

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