Page 13 - NO.153銀行家雜誌
P. 13

iPhone,都來自它在中國的工廠。台積電的投                          灣需要重新考慮是否繼續嚴守國門。畢竟台
              資也相當多,上海和南京都有它的晶圓廠。目                             灣的疫苗接種率相當高,也具備一定的社區
              前的地緣政治因素,大概會讓台積電停止擴大                             防疫能力,如果能夠開放外國人正常旅遊,

              投資;但似乎擋不住富士康的腳步,它最近就                             對國防相當有利。
              打算拿出8億美元,入主陷入困境的中國紫光                                  另一方面,台灣政府也應該審慎評估,
              集團,而台灣政府也有可能出手阻止。                                中國的威脅會對哪些商業營運造成衝擊,例
              重振外國企業在台投資信心                                     與海運航線。台灣政府應該要跟相關單位與

                  台灣目前該注意的,是如何讓外國企業繼                           關變通方法。
              續安心來台經商。台灣在2020年疫情爆發之                                 台灣的最大威脅,並不是中國經濟制裁
              後,就實施了許多全球最高規格的防疫措施,                             的實際衝擊,而是中國的武力可能會讓國

              雖然這些方案整體來說相當成功,但代價也很                             際社會認為無法安全地繼續在台做生意。
              巨大:台灣目前隔絕於世界之外,除了高階政                             台灣能 不能降低風 險掌控局勢 , 會 大 幅 影
              要以外,很多外國朋友都已經至少有2年半沒                             響國際投資人對台灣經商環境的信心。(作
              訪問過台灣。                                           者為台灣金融研訓院外籍特 聘 研 究 員 ; 譯
                  在中國不斷提高軍事威脅的情況下,台                            者為劉維人)

              the coronavirus. While those measures have been       At the same time, the Taiwanese government

              largely successful, they have come at a significant   should take prudent action to assess where risk to
              cost:  They have severed  Taiwan’s normal ties   normal business operations has risen, such as in
              with the world. Many friends of  Taiwan – with   air and sea shipping routes that could be affected
              the exception of high-level dignitaries – have not   by nearby Chinese military activity. It should begin

              visited the country in 2 ½ years or longer.      devising workarounds for possible supply chain
                  Facing unprecedented military pressure from   bottlenecks with relevant stakeholders.
              China and taking into consideration Taiwan’s high     Ultimately, China’s formal sanctions on
              vaccination rate and ability to manage SARS-     Taiwanese industry will be less harmful than its
              CoV-2 in the community, it is questionable whether   ability to sow doubt in the minds of the international

              travel restrictions still serve a constructive purpose.   community about the security of Taiwan’s business
              Taiwan has to consider the key role normal travel,   environment. How global investors perceive the
              unencumbered by quarantine, serves in boosting   situation will depend largely on whether Taiwan can
              its national interests.                          mitigate risk and take control of the narrative.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.9月號 13

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