Page 480 - 進出口外匯實務
P. 480


                 代收銀行在託收指示既未授權,                  且隨  後  亦  未  從  託收銀行獲

            代收銀行須對        剩餘  之  USD43,426.51   款項負責。      “The collecting

            bank has released the documents   against a partial payment that
            was neither authorized within th  e collection instruction or by

                                            remitting bank. Under the rules,
            subsequent authorization from the   le for payment of the remaining
            the collecting bank is responsib

            amount of USD43,426.51.”
                 託收通知之      嚴重遲    延及部分付款,         顯  示在代收銀行       端 ,其

            未能依據      URC522   第  26  條  c  項  i  款及  iii  款之  敘 述,  執  行儘速
            傳  送  拒絕付款及        /  或承兌之通知。         “The considerable delay

            between the sending of the coll  ection and the partial payment
            indicates a failure on the part   of the collecting bank to the

            requirements regarding the sending   b-Article 26(c)(1)and(3).”(  of payment advices “without   註二  )
            delay” as outlined in su

            五、   D/A  、  D/P  之擔保提貨與副提單背書

            (一)辦理       D/A  、 D/P  擔保提貨與副提單背書應注意事項

                 1.   銀行辦理進口託收,          係  以代理人     身  分,依據託收銀行

                    之託收    委  託書之指示,辦理託收收款               事宜   ,  原  則並無
                    風險   ,但承作      D/A  、  D/P  擔保提  貨  與  副  提單,銀行之

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