Page 135 - 進出口外匯實務
P. 135

2    進口開狀


                 1.   信用狀規定須提示         “a full set of original marine B/L

                    showing shipment from Singapore to Shenzhen”  ,但提示
                    之提單卻註明         “Port of Loading  :  Singapore  ,  Port of

                    Discharge  :  Hong Kong   ,  Place of Destination  :
                    Shenzhen”  ,此是否為瑕疵?

                    依據    UCP500  第  23  條  a  項  iii  款   (  註:  UCP600  第  20

                    條  a  項  iii  款  )   之規定,提單須表明信用狀所規定之裝
                    載港      (Port of Loading)   及卸貨港     (Port of Discharge)  ,

                    此項單據因將         Shenzhen (  註﹕即信用狀所規定之卸貨
                    港  )   標示於最終目的地          (Place of Destination)   而非卸

                    “In accordance with the provisions of sub-Article 23

                    (a)(iii) which states: “... indi  cates the port of loading and
                    the port of discharge stipulated in the Credit”, the

                    documents should have been rejected for the reason that
                    Shenzhen should have been stated to be the port of

                    discharge and not the place of destination.”(  註十  )

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