Page 493 - 銀行授信管理
P. 493

11.Robert W Johnson: Financial Management.

               12.John N Meyer: Financial Statement Analysis.
               13.William H Baughn & Charles E Wa     lker: The Bankers , Handbook.

               14.Roland I. Robinson: The Management of Bank Funds.
               15.William C Freund Investment Fundamentals, American Bankers

                  Association 1975.
               16.George A Christy & John C Clende

                  1974.                               nin, Introduction to Investments,
               17.Wilford J Eiteman , Charles A Di  ce & David K Eiteman, The Stock
                  Market, Mc Graw-Hill Book Company.

               18.Salomon J Flink and Donald Grun    ewald, Managerial Finance, 1970
               19.Erich A. Helfert, Techniques of Financ

               20.American Institute of Banking,   Bank Management, Second Edition 1975.   ial Analysis, Richard D Irwin, Inc.
               21.Clifton H Kreps and Edwand F Gee,     Analyzing Financial Statements.

               22.F A Lutz, The Theory of Interest.
               23.George W Mckinney Jr. Manage     ment of Commercial Bank Funds,

                  American Bankers Association.
               24.Modern Money Mechanisms, A       Workbook on Deposits, Currency ,
                  And Bank Reserves, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

               25.Federal Reserve Bulletin, Federal Reserve Bank.
               26.Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond,     Instruments of the Money Market


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