Page 95 - the taiwan banker 2024.07(175)
P. 95


              ਷ऎ̮͛ପٙᆑίᄲݟਗ਼݊ɓࡈ࠽੻ᗫء                               ึˏ೯ɓӻΐܝᚃٙԫ΁d˰ޢՉ˼਷࢕
              ٙਪᕚfϤ̮dอጳ̹ఙɰ̙ঐึ࿁ʕ਷                               ٙᏐ࿁ᜊ੻ڢ੬ฆѶf೹Ϟʔ຅d̈ତ
              ٙ˜ପঐཀ௵™ਂ̈ˀᏐf੽ΙܓՑז                                һᄿع൱׸኷̙ٙঐ׌ேึᄣ̋d˲͊

              ߕd΢਷࿁ʕ਷̈ɹପۜٙᘩنᏀɢ౷ཁ                               Ըʔરৰ൱׸હ᏶e஬࿆൰࠽ᘩنഃɓ
              ίᄣ̋dՉʕऒʿٙପۜᇍఖɰ༰ᄿd̍                               ӻΐՉ˼ણ݄ٙ̈ତfೌሞνОdცࠅ
              ܼၠЍ߅Ҧձ፻᚛ഃf                                       ᘱᚃᝈ࿀˰ޢ΢਷࿁׵Ϥϣ̋ᅄᗫ೼ٙ

                  ᐼϾԊʘdГ˙਷࢕˚ूዄᅊʕ਷ٙ                             ˀᏐf€本文作者為法國外貿銀行首席
              ପঐਪᕚdߕ਷޶Ч̻૱ٙ̋೼ણ݄̙ঐ                               經濟學家

                  Still, China will continue to invest in the Belt   is also not immune to China’s overcapacity. From

              and  Road  Initiative. Realizing the uncertainties in   India to Latin America, there are more pressure
              accessing the western market, China will have to prepare   to impose tariffs on China’s exports with a wide
              for shifting to Global South as a solution to absorb its   product range, such as green tech and steel.
              existing capacity, which has become very important for   Therefore,  the  probability of a broader trade

              China’s sustained manufacturing growth.          war is clearly rising due to the concern of the
                  Of course, the response from the emerging    overcapacity risk in China, which will bring potential
              markets will also be important to watch. They are   consequences on top of trade. Moving forward,

              not only potential markets for Chinese EV and    additional measures from trade remedies to
              solar cells, but also overseas production sites to   currency devaluation competition cannot be
              achieve global export expansion. In this regard,   ruled out. In any case, more time is needed to

              the US’ potential scrutiny over China’s overseas   assess reaction of the world to Biden’s tariffs,
              production will be a major issue. The Global South   including that of China.

                                                                                             2024.7     台灣銀行家     95

   1          5%     JOEE
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100