Page 47 - NO.155銀行家雜誌
P. 47


              亞洲旅遊相關行業正在復甦中                                        酒店業正迎來更多住客,曾經一度暴跌

                  航空客運流量恢復,再次為航空公司帶                            全球酒店集團在亞洲的規模正持續擴大,即
              來收益。在疫情之前,亞洲航司的重要性已                              使在疫情期間也是如此。亞洲的酒店房間比
              經從2011年的31%上升到2019年的35%。疫                        例已經超越歐洲,從2019年的19%上升到
              情造成的中斷並不會改變有利於亞洲的結構                              2021年的21%。同樣,在亞洲重新開放的週
              性因素,亞洲重新開放將會縮小亞太航司和                              期性影響下,亞洲酒店業還有進一步增長的
              全球的差距。截至2022年8月,全球航司收入                           空間。即使是北美和歐洲,2022年第二季的

              已經達到疫情前水準的72%,亞太約為52%。                           酒店入住率也僅恢復到66%,仍低於2019年

              level globally, and the comeback of Asia will become   Hotels will also welcome more guests,
              a growth catalyst. Second, Asia is lagging global   supporting the once-collapsed occupancy rate.
              peers and the gap reflects the room for catching up   Global hotel groups have continued to expand in
              and cyclical revenue rebound.                    Asia even during the pandemic to capture structural
                  Among all, airlines are the obvious winners of   opportunities. The share of hotel rooms in Asia has
              renewed air passenger traffic. Before the pandemic,   overtaken Europe, rising from 19% in 2019 to 21%
              the importance of Asia had been growing from 31%   in 2021. Still, the cyclical story means there is space
              in 2011 to 35% in 2019. The COVID disruption will   for growth as even the North American and European
              not change the structural drivers in favor of Asia. And   hotel occupancy rate has only recovered to 66% in

              the reopening will narrow the gap between global and   Q2 2022, down from 80% in 2019. It has plenty of
              APAC airlines. As of August 2022, global revenue   room for Asia to catch up as it only hovers at 49%
              has reached 72% of the pre-pandemic level, while   now.
              APAC still struggles at 52%.                          With the comeback of tourists, railway firms

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.11月號 47

   1                  5%     JOEE                                                                                        ɪʹ
   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52