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                                                                                      撰文:Alicia Garcia Herrero

                    冠疫情盡頭曙光漸現,全球各國正加速                               全球防疫嚴格指數顯示,除中國內地以
              新 於防疫及經濟政策取得更佳平衡。雖然亞                             外的亞洲其他地區正在逐漸取消限制、趕上
              洲進度現階段仍較歐美落後,但最近陸續有更                             世界其他地區。航空、酒店、鐵路和旅遊消
              多政府取消防疫方面的出入境限制,重新開放                             費都是重新開放進程中的獲益行業。首先,
              的進程正在加快。除了中國內地之外的大部分                             從全球角度看,並非所有的行業都已恢復到
              亞洲地區,有望看到長期壓抑的需求帶來反                              疫情前水準,而亞洲的復甦將會成為增長的
              彈。在本文中,我們參照歐美企業的經驗,分                             催化劑。其次,亞洲落後於全球同業的差距

              析亞洲在開放過程中為不同行業帶來的機遇。                             也能夠反映出週期性收入回升的空間。

              The grand comeback: who are the winning sectors

              as Asia reopens?

              In a world filled with pessimism, Asia's reopening will leapfrog Europe and the US trends
              and bring rare optimism in many sectors globally. Airlines, hospitality, railway and travel
              spending are the clear winners and will rebound from a low base.

                t is time to move on. Asia has moved faster in   fast-tracked reopening cycle in Asia.
              Ireopening and lifting COVID-related border control.   The COVID stringency index shows Asia is now
              While China may be an exception, the rest of Asia   catching up with the rest of the world in removing

              will embrace a rebound from the long-suppressed   restrictions, except China. Airlines, hospitality, railway
              demand. Based on the experience of European and   and travel spending are the winning sectors. First,
              US firms, we analyze the sectoral opportunities of a   not all sectors have recovered to the pre-pandemic

         46   台灣銀行家2022.11月號

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