Page 168 - 進出口外匯實務
P. 168



                 第  9  條  d  項  i  款  (  註:  UCP600  第  10  條  a  項  )   規定:除第
            48  條另有規定外,不可            撤銷  信用狀非經開狀銀行、保兌銀行

            (  如有者  ) 、及受益人之同意,不得修改或取消。                     ii  款亦規定:

            開狀銀行應自簽發修改書時                起  ,即受其所簽發修改書不可              撤銷
            之  拘束  。
                 前述  問題   所提及之修改書         係 自修改書時      起  開狀銀行即受其

            拘束   ,  且  於此時開狀銀行可         能  不 清楚  任何裝運     已  發生;基於修

            改  係 增加金額及      展 延有效期      限  ,受益人可     能  知  道  此修改書之    存
            在或簽發。          “An amendment issued in the circumstances
            mentioned in your query would   have been binding on the issuing

            bank from the time it was issued-t  he issuing bank would probably

            not have been aware that any ship  ment had occurred. On the basis
            of an amendment increasing the am  ount and extending the expiry
            date, the beneficiary may have known of the existence or the

            possible issuance of such an amendment.”
                 審慎  之  處  理  程序  應為,受益人拒絕修改書,              且押匯    銀行  告

            知開狀銀行此項事實。             “The prudent course of action would have
            been to have the beneficiary   reject the amendment and the

            negotiating bank inform the is  suing bank of that fact.”(  註一  )

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