Page 155 - 進出口外匯實務
P. 155

2    進口開狀

            1.XX Signed commercial invoice in six copies indicating this credit number and Import permit
              No.___________  __________________
              全套海運提單以貴行為抬頭人,以敝處為被通知人,註明運費待付                 / 已付,並標明本信用
            2.XX Full set of clean on board mar  ine Bills of Lading   made out to the order of TAIWAN
              BUSSINESS BANK notify ap  plicant. Marked “Freight Collect/  Prepaid and in  dicating this
              Credit number
              空運提單以貴行為抬頭人,以敝處為被通知人,註明運費待付                / 已付,並標明本信用狀號
            3  .□     Clean air waybills consigned to TAIW  AN BUSSINESS BANK notif  y applicant. Marked
              “Freight Collect/Prepaid and i  ndicating this cre  dit number
              快遞  / 海運  / 空運郵包收據,以敝處為受益人,註明油費付       / 已
            4  .□  Courier/Sea/Air parcel post   receipt showing applicant as ad  dressee Marked “Courier charges/
              Postages Collect/Prepai  d and indicating   this credit number
              照發票金額百分之壹百壹拾投保之保險單二份            ,註明以同種貨幣賠償在臺灣給付並作空白
            5.XX Insurance policy or certificate
              for 110% of invoice value stip  ulating that claims are payable in  in duplicate, endorsed in blank      aiwan in the same currency
              and including:
                                      1982  協會貨物保險條款  (A)   □ Institute Cargo Clauses  水險
            X1982 Institute Cargo Clauses (A)
            □  1982 Institute Cargo Clauses (B)   1982  協會貨物保險條款  (B)   □.A. .P F  平安險  .
            □  1982 Institute Cargo Clauses (C)   1982  協會貨物保險條款  (C)   □  All Risks
                                      1982  協會貨物保險條款  (Air)     □ W  水漬險     全險
             1982 Institute Cargo Clauses (Air)
            X1982 Institute WAR Clauses (Cargo)     1982  協會貨物保險兵險條款     □ Air Risks   航空險
            X1982 Institute Strikes Clauses (Cargo)   1982  協會貨物保險罷工條款     □ W  兵險
                                                            ar Risks
            6.XX Signed Packing List in 6   Copies
            7  .□  Others:  其他單據
              Inspection Certifica  te in 1 original
              受益人證明書,證明各單據副本已由         受益人直接以航郵寄交本信用狀申請人
            8.XX Beneficiary’s Certif  icate ststing that one complete set   of non-negotiable documents have
              been airmailed directly to   the applicant.
            < 45A  、 B >  Covering  :  貨物內容  (  請概括綜列,勿太冗長  ) □  FOB  □ CFRXCIF  □  FCA  □ EX-
            WORKS  □  C&I  □
            “FIN GOOD”  @USD2.35/M  Quant  ity:5832.5M      As Proforma Invoice
            < 47A  、 B >  Special Instructions:  附特別條款如下:
            < 47A  、 B >  Container Shipment   貨櫃運輸      XConfirmed   保兌
            XRequire  d□  Allowe  d□  Prohibited             < 49  >     Confirming chargess for
                                                         buyer’s/seller’s A/C
               必須      准許      不准許
                                                         保兌費用由買方    /  賣方負擔
            < 71B  >  All Banking charges outside Taiwan, if any, are fo  r□
            Buyer X  Beneficiary’s A/C
            <  48  >     Documents must be presented for   negotiation within 10
            days from the date of shipment
            單據應於裝船後     10  日內辦理押匯   (  單據提示期限,如未註明視
            同授權本行填註    )
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