Page 299 - 信用狀交易糾紛解析暨最新案例研討
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                             1. Dan Taylor(1999): ”The History of The UCP”[The 2000 Annual Survey of
                               Letter of Credit Law & Practice; The Institute of International Banking Law &

                               Practice, Inc. MD USA]
                             2. David C. Howard (1984): The Application of Compulsory Joinder,

                               Intervention, Impleader and Attachment to Letter of Credit Litigation, 52
                             3. Dong-Heon Chae(2003): The Revised Strict Compliance Rule in the

                               Examination of Shipping Documents under UCP500:Comments on Korean
                               Court Cases [2004 Annual Survey of Letter of Credit Law & Practice; The

                               Institute of International Banking Law & Practice, Inc. MD USA ]
                             4. Gao Xiang & Ross P. Buckley(2003): ”The Unique Jurisprudence of Letters of

                               Credit: Its Origin and Sources” [2004 Annual Survey of Letter of Credit Law
                               & Practice; The Institute of International Banking Law & Practice, Inc. MD

                               USA ]

                             5. ICC(2002): Transferable credits and the UCP 500[ICC Document No.470/977
                             6. Jee Meng Chen(2007): Double back-to-back L/Cs-a case of double

                               whammy[ICC DCINSIGHT, Vol.13 No.4 ICC Publishing S.A. Paris, France ]

                             7. John F. Dolan(2003): “A principled Exception to the Strict Compliance Rule in
                               Trilateral Letter of Credit Transactions”[2004 Annual Survey of Letter of
                               Credit Law & Practice; The Institute of International Banking Law & Practice,

                               Inc. MD USA ]

                             8. John Dolan(2007): ”Negotiation credits under UCP600”[ICC DCINSIGHT
                               Vol.13 No.1; ICC Publishing S.A. Paris, France]
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