Page 300 - 信用狀交易糾紛解析暨最新案例研討
P. 300


                        9. John F. Dolan(2002): ”Why high discrepancy rates do not discourage L/C
                          use”[ICC DCINSIGHT Vol.8 No.3; ICC Publishing S.A. Paris, France ]

                        10.Mark Ford(2003): “Facing up to L/C competition”[ ICC DCINSIGHT Volume
                          9 No.4;ICC Publishing S.A. Paris, France]

                        11.Michael Quinn(2008): ”Beyond L/Cs: the new world of trade”, [ICC
                          DCINSIGHT Vol.14 No.1; ICC Publishing S.A. Paris, France]

                        12.N.D. George(2007): Loss of documents and UCP600 Article 35[ICC
                          DCINSIGHT Vol.13 No.4; ICC Publishing S.A. Paris, France ]

                        13.Pavel Andrel(2008): ”Excluding articles: a troublesome trend”,[ICC
                          DCINSIGHT Vo; 14 No.1; ICC Publishing S.A. Paris, France ]

                        14.Reinhard Langerich(2004): ”Negotiation” seen to be no benefit to
                          beneficiaries [ICC DCINSIGHT Vol.10 No.2 (pp.9-10)]

                        15.Soh Chee Seng(2003): Implications and impact of ISBP[ICC DCINSIGHT
                          Vol.9 No.2; ICC Publishing S.A. Paris, France]

                        16.Soh Chee Seng(2004): One Plan to Solve the Recurring Negotiation Problem,
                          [2005 Annual Survey of Letter of Credit Law & Practice; The Institute of

                          International Banking Law & Practice, Inc. MD USA]
                        17.Vincent Maulella(2002): Can US banks issue guarantees? [ICC DCINSIGHT

                          Vol.8 No.2;ICC Publishing S. S.A. Paris, France]
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