Page 123 - 次貸風暴下的省思-解開CDS及CDO密碼
P. 123


            1.  Vinod Kothari Credit Deriva  tive Website“Credit Derivatives  : Detailed Referencer”  ,
               http  : //

                                                                          ;  Dominic O’Kane,
            2. “The Restructring Clause in
                                            Credit Default Swap Contract”
               Claus M. Pedersen and Stuart M. Turnbull   ,  Fixed Income Quantitative Credit
               Research, April 2003.

            3. “The CDS Big Bang : Understanding th   e Changes to dthe Global CDS Contract
               and North American Conventions”  ;  Markit  ,  March 13, 2009.

               想  要成為     ISDA  會員者,     可  在  ISDA  網頁   下  載  相關  文件,完成後       傳真  或   mail
               給  ISDA  ,  ISDA  將  審  查  是  否  申  請者  具  有成為  ISDA  會員的  資格  。

                原  文:


                A copy of the application form can be   downloaded from ISDA's website, and
                when completed should be sent via fax to   ISDA’s Director of Conferences and
                Membership, Liz Zazzera at 212-901   -6007 (Phone: 212-901-6004 Email:
                Upon receipt of such application, the   Board of Directors or the Executive
                Committee of the Board of Directors   examine it and determine whether the
                applicant is eligible for membership   as well as the appropriate class of
                membership. Members of the Association   are elected by a majority vote of the
                Board of Directors or the Executive Co  mmittee of the Board of Directors.

                  成為   ISDA  會員  能  夠  享  有的  好  處  有:

                     ISDA  法律  諮詢
                    題  ,請  會員 ISDA  可針  提 對  Netting  意見,並提 (淨額結算)或擔保品(  供  各國律  師  的意見  Collateral  做  為參  考  。     問

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