Page 57 - NO.149銀行家雜誌
P. 57


              為主,在在表示香港這個離岸金融中心的命                              發生社會動盪、COVID-19疫情還沒爆發前,

              運,已經逐漸掌握在中國手裡。                                   中國銀行占全香港銀行業的資產比例就已經
                  自2010年以來,在香港開設的中國內地                          從2010年的22%上升到2020年的36%。中
              金融機構規模擴大了3.4倍,如今總資產達到                            國銀行在香港的擴張速度遠遠高過日本和美
              1.2兆美元。即使香港銀行業的規模擴張很                             國,更是跟歐洲銀行形成鮮明對比,因為歐
              快,其中最快的依然是中國,早在香港還沒                              洲銀行幾乎完全沒有增長。

              Kong's financial system is now increasingly      banking sector increased from 22% in 2010 to
              dominated by Mainland Chinese banks. At the      36% in 2020, even before Hong Kong's social
              same time, overseas bank assets held by Mainland   unrest and COVID-19 started.  This surge is in
              Chinese banks are heavily concentrated in Hong   stark contrast to European banks, which have
              Kong. This significant exposure means that the destiny   barely increased their exposure in Hong Kong,
              of Hong Kong as an offshore financial center depends   and the much slower pace of Japanese and
              much more on Mainland China than the rest of the   American players.
              world now.                                           While Hong Kong's offshore center is

                  Mainland Chinese financial institutions      increasingly dependent on Mainland China,
              have expanded 3.4 times since 2010, reaching     it is essential to note that Chinese financial
              $1.2 trillion in total asset size in Hong Kong.   institutions and corporations are increasingly
              While Hong Kong's bank assets have grown         reliant  on  H ong  Kong  for their  overseas
              quickly, Mainland China has outpaced other       financing. Between 1997 and 2021, Hong Kong
              countries. Their share of assets in Hong Kong's   is the home to 75% of Chinese entities' offshore

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.5月號 57

   1          5%     JOEE
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62