Page 56 - NO.149銀行家雜誌
P. 56

               Special Report




                                                                                      撰文:Alicia Garcia Herrero

                    港的離岸金融一直做得相當成功,                            與美元一直緊密掛鉤,所以,只要進入香港

              香 至少 從規模增長的速度來看是如此。                              的銀行體系和獲得港幣,就能夠保證獲得硬
              它的銀行資產與G D P的比值,從2002年的                          通貨。
              462%成長到2021年的921%。打從1983年                            中國現在很需要獲得美元,所以中國銀
              設立貨幣發行局以來,香港在數次政治危機                              行逐漸主導了香港的金融體系,而中國內地
              之中,都能保持聯繫匯率穩定。由於港幣                               銀行持有的海外銀行資產,也越來越以香港

              Hong Kong :  from a global offshore financial center to a

                                    Mainland China-centric one

              Driven by a desire for access to USD, Hong Kong's financial system is now increasingly
              dominated by Mainland Chinese banks. At the same time, overseas bank assets held by
              Mainland Chinese banks are heavily concentrated in Hong Kong.  This significant exposure
              means that the destiny of Hong Kong as an offshore financial center depends much more on
              Mainland China than the rest of the world now.

                  ong Kong's offshore financial sector has been   stable amid the political risks that have arisen from
              Hhighly successful, at least when measured       time to time. As the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) is closely
              by increased size. The bank assets-to-GDP ratio   pegged to the US dollar (USD), accessing Hong
              expanded from 462% in 2002 to 921% in 2021. Since   Kong's banking system and currency means access to
              the introduction of the currency board in 1983, Hong   hard currency.
              Kong has managed to keep the currency pegged and     Driven by a desire for access to USD, Hong

         56   台灣銀行家2022.5月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61