Page 88 - 進出口外匯實務
P. 88


            註  一  : 信用狀   基 本法   律  理論,陳    冲 著  ,  P28

            註  二  : 摘  錄  自  “Banking Commission Opinions approved in May”
                   ICC DCI Vol. 9 No. 3, Jul.-Sep. 2003
            註  三:  摘  錄  自  ICC Publication No.596  , Feb. 1999, R255

            註  四:  . That this was a case where th  e wording of the credit had not

                      That such a letter of cred
                   . been fully studied and its implications realized.   it provided no security and

                      That by using such a credit the beneficiary was fully
                   .  should never have been issued.
                     responsible for the loss of   the goods and the money.
                   .  That advising this type of credit was not a service to the
                     banking industry.

                   -  摘  錄 自  Case Studies on Documentary Credit under UCP

                   500, Case 1, ICC Publication No.535, June 1995, P.8-
                   Reference in a credit to paymen
                   the payment being received un  t thereunder being linked to
                                                der another credit is not a
                   situation covered by sub-Article 13(c). This is a reimburse-
                   ment condition that had not   been fully studied for its
                   possible implications. The    beneficiary by effecting

                   shipment thereunder agreed to the term of payment

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