Page 402 - 進出口外匯實務
P. 402



                 ISBP Paragraph 200   載有:   產  地  證  明書得顯示,不同於信
            用狀受益人或運送單據             託  運人   (Shipper)   之發貨人    (Consignor)

            或出口商      (Exporter)  。據此對於前述問題,          回覆   如下:

                 問題一    :倘  產  地  證  明書顯示不同於受益人之發貨人,則提
            示之   產  地  證 明書上所記載之發         票 號碼、日期與受益人所提示者

            符即可。     “Where a party shown as the consignor is different from

            the beneficiary, it would not be unreasonable to receive a
            certificate of origin that provid  es reference to an invoice number
            and date that is not consistent   with the invoice presented by the

            beneficiary, provided the other data   comply with that in the credit

            and in other documents. Yo  ur opinion is correct.”
                        :倘  產  地  證  明書顯示受益人為發貨人,則此  者,則其上記載與受益人提示之發  情況  不
               ISBP Paragraph 200
            beneficiary is shown as the consigno  票  號碼,此係屬不一致且為瑕疵。  r on the certificate of origin is   “Where the
            not a situation covered by ISBP   paragraph 200. Reference to an
            invoice number that is differen  t from that presented by the

            beneficiary would be inconsistent   and discrepant. Yo  ur opinion is
            correct.”(  註  四  十  五 )

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