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196   台灣金融創新


             1.  Accenture (2015),“Winning with the Industrial Internet of Things, "January
             2.  Arner, B. and Buckley (2015),“The Evolution of FinTech: A New Post-Crisis
                Paradigm, "University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law, Research Paper, No.
             3.  BCG (2018),“The Most Innovative Companies 2018: Innovators Go All in
                on Digital, "The Boston Consulting Group, January 2018.
             4.  Deloitte (2017),  “A tale of 44 cities Connecting Global FinTech: Interim Hub
                Review 2017, "April 2017.
             5.  Deloitte (2017),“The Regtech Universe on the Rise, "Inside Magazine-
                Global Edition 2017, P68-79.
             6.  Douglas, J. L. (2016),“New Wine into Old Bottles: FinTech Meets the Bank
                Regulatory World, "Notth Carolina Banking Institute, Vol. 20, Issue 1, P17-64
             7.  Frame, W.S. and L.J. White,(2004),“Empirical studies of financial
                innovation: Lots of talk, Little Action? " Journal of Economic Literature,
                42(1), 116-144.
             8.  Gartner (2017),“Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2017, "August
             9.  Gartner (2017),“Top 10 Strategic Technology Trend for 2018, "October
            10.  Goodhart, C. and B. Hofmann (2001),“Asset Prices, Financial Conditions,
                and the Transmission of Monetary Policy, "paper prepared for the conference
                on`Asset Prices, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Policy´, Stanford University,
                March 2-3.
            11.  International Monetary Fund (2017), “World Economic Outlook, " July 2017.
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